Are You Ready For An Extreme Fitness Transformation?

Are You Ready To Compete For Your'e First Bodybuilding Show?

Insert the perfect text that explains why what you just said makes sense and why they really want it. Think about it as 'how is this going to help them or make their life better'.

Join the One & Only “All-encompassing” Bodybuilding Competition Prep Program

That Blends Science, Wit & Support To Help You Stay Inspired, Excited and Motivated To Step On Stage.

Are You Ready To Compete for your'e first bodybuilding Show?

Join the One & Only “All-encompassing” Bodybuilding Competition Prep Program

That Blends Science, Wit & Support To Help You Stay Inspired, Excited and Motivated To Step On Stage.

Your Coach

Your Coach

Hey friends! I want to share the BLUEPRINT to my bodybuilding competition success, so that you can gain momentum to move forward toward your goal of competing and transform your'e physique to the next level.

You deserve to experience confidence, own your strength in a way that makes you feel beautiful and fierce!

Even better, your new found self confidence and positivity will permeate through your daily life. This is a life changing journey to discovering your full potential, tapping into your inner strength, grace, and resilience.

I will walk you through process and you’d be able to get it all, with never feeling overwhelmed, anxious and defeated ever again.

Achieve Your Total Transformation In 5 Steps

step 1: 

Becoming a Fitness Bikini Athlete

Feel Strong, Powerful & Resilient: Tone up, build and maintain muscles. Exercise smarter and sleep better to rejuvenate your metabolism so that you look and feel your'e very best inside and out.

step 2: 

Optimize your nutrition

Optimize Your Body, Mind & Energy: Discover how to eat right-- without obsessing on the calories, eating boring food or feeling miserable.

Step 3: 

Pose to impress

Show Off Your Transformation: Feel more confident NOW than you did then. Stand taller, smile bigger and make your self-worth soar.

Step 4: 

Maximize your Result

Make It Your Lifestyle: Create your own enduring routines and rituals by gleaning age-defying wisdom, habits and resources.

Step 5 : 

Get excited to live inspired

Tap into a goldmine of simple, proven and fun ways to inject excitement back into your life so you always feel inspired, empowered and motivated.

Achieve Your Total Transformation 

In 5 steps

step 1: 

Becoming a Fitness bikini athlete

Feel Strong, Powerful & Resilient: Tone up, build and maintain muscles. Exercise smarter and sleep better to rejuvenate your metabolism so that you look and feel your'e very best inside and out.

Step 2: 

Optimize Your Nutrition

Optimize Your Body, Mind & Energy: Discover how to eat right-- without obsessively counting calories, eating boring food or feeling miserable.

Step 3: 

Pose to impress

Show Off Your Transformation: Feel more confident NOW than you did then. Stand taller, smile bigger and make your self-worth soar.

Step 4: 

Maximize Your Result

Make It Your Lifestyle: Create your own enduring routines and rituals by gleaning age-defying wisdom, habits and resources.

Step 5: 

Get excited to live inspired

Tap into a goldmine of simple, proven and fun ways to inject excitement back into your life so you always feel inspired, empowered and motivated.

I want to help you reach your goals with My proven Bodybuilding Competition Blueprint.

Have you ever felt frustrated and overwhelmed just figuring out how to start and get ready for a competition show?

Me too! Just like you, I used to watch a lot of youtube videos about bodybuilding competitions but still have no clue on how and where to start. I had so much information thrown at me but I didn't know how it all fits and it kept me from taking action.

You see, the reason why I kept on procrastinating on competing was because of lack of clarity. Without clarity on how to get started, overwhelmed and fear set in; and I already saw myself quitting before I even got started. My lack of clarity has become a crutch that was holding me back from pursuing my dream of competing for years.

I don’t want you to go through years of regret like I have. This is why I decided to create a 5 step program to get you ready for your first bodybuilding competition, I call this The First Timer’s Bodybuilding Competition Blueprint. It’s a step-by-step process that helps you get ready for your first competition show so that you can walk across the stage with confidence, poise and feeling sexy. And step off the stage knowing how to maintain your physique and to celebrate all your accomplishments!

I want to help you reach your goals

with My proven Bodybuilding competition blueprint.

Have you ever felt frustrated and overwhelmed just figuring out how to start and get ready for a competition show?

Me too! Just like you, I used to watch a lot of youtube videos about bodybuilding competitions but still have no clue on how and where to start. I had so much information thrown at me but I didn't know how it all fits and it kept me from taking action.

You see, the reason why I kept on procrastinating on competing was because of lack of clarity. Without clarity on how to get started, overwhelmed and fear set in; and I already saw myself quitting before I even got started. My lack of clarity has become a crutch that was holding me back from pursuing my dream of competing for years.

I don’t want you to go through years of regret like I have. This is why I decided to create a 5 step program to get you ready for your first bodybuilding competition, I call this The First Timer’s Bodybuilding Competition Blueprint. It’s a step-by-step process that helps you get ready for your first competition show so that you can walk across the stage with confidence, poise and feeling sexy. And step off the stage knowing how to maintain your physique and to celebrate all your accomplishments!

Don't Take My word for it

Look what My Athletes have to say

Don't Take My word for it

Look what My Athletes have to say


My goal started off with just getting back to a healthy weight and then Paula introduced the idea of bodybuilding competition and to compete as a bikini athlete. Going through my first competition was a huge revelation that I am capable of doing more and I was able to step on stage in the best shape of my life feeling confident and sexy.


From self-harm to self-confidence, my journey has been long and hard. However, it was fitness/bodybuilding that helped me see how much stronger I was both mentally and physically. Paula pushed me to accomplish things I never thought I could and for that I will be forever grateful.


Paula is a fantastic coach and I'm so lucky to have had her fitness and nutrition expertise for my first bikini competition. She definitely pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of and brought out confidence and my true athletic ability.

Are You Ready To Get Started And Transform Your'e Physique to the next Level?

With my coaching program, I’ve helped many clients find clarity, courage and confidence to finally take a step to compete.

If you’re ready to finally start your competition journey the right way, then I promise you’ll find my coaching program to be extremely helpful.

Are You Ready To Get Started And Transform Your'e Physique to the next Level?

With my coaching program, I’ve helped many clients find clarity, courage and confidence to finally take a step to compete.

If you’re ready to finally start your competition journey the right way, then I promise you’ll find my coaching program to be extremely helpful.

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